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Jen Keehn

Redefining Euphoria: The Rise of 5-MAPB as a Trending MDMA Alternative

This article aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of 5-MAPB, delving into its chemical structure, legal landscape, effects, and comparative analysis with other substances. Additionally, we will touch upon the community and culture surrounding 5-MAPB, along with guidelines on sourcing and ensuring the purity of the substance. Table of contentsIntroduction...

How Do Psychedelics Work? A Look Inside the Hallucinating Brain

Explaining what it’s like to trip on psychedelics is difficult to explain to someone who’s never tried them. And while LSD, mushrooms, DMT, ayahuasca, and MDMA elicit different effects, they’re all responsible for producing (often vivid) hallucinations in the people who take them. How do psychedelics work, though? What’s happening...

What is Psychedelic Therapy?

We are slowly moving away from outdated thinking, and embracing alternative ways of healing mind, body, and soul. As we emerge into a new age, traditional treatments for mental health, addiction, and other psychological disorders are doing little to treat what’s actually wrong with someone. Rather than treat the underlying...

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Alex Grey Describes How His First DMT Experience Takes Him Inside His Own Painting

Visionary artist and mystic Alex Grey describes his first experience with DMT in this interview from DMT: The Spirit Molecule. Reportedly “popping into the bright world” only 30 seconds...

3 Proven Health Benefits Associated With Use Of CBD Products

There are natural compounds that the world of medicine has yet to discover its use in treating various ailments. An example is CBD. The compound Cannabidiol, also known as...

Ayahuasca and Creativity: the Amazonian Plant Brew Improves Divergent Thinking

Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew from the Amazon, which has recently gained popularity in the Western world as a tool for self-exploration, healing and personal growth. It is usually...