Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
© 2025 Sociedelic
Most recent articles by:
Ashley Michaud
Ashley Michaud coaches globally and is the founder of Elemental Growth. She places a
strong focus on integration of indigenous medicines for healing and recovery,
encouraging clients to explore the tools and modalities that can help them carry out their
purpose on earth. Elemental Growth is an integration program at the forefront of the
psychedelic field, designed by nature with experience and expertise in nutrition, mindset, sustainability, and energy work. Ashley published her first book, Be The Change, in October
2019, which has received praise from holistic health professionals around the world.
Planting Seeds of Positivity – Psychonauts Guide to Using Affirmations
Are you feeling pulled by others’ opinions and ideas of who they want you to be? Is this causing struggle for your identity? Are you getting triggered easily? Does it seem like you’re constantly going one step forward, three steps back? Are you ready to release anger, resentment, sadness,...
Psychonauts Guide to Recovery: Transform Addiction into Flow States
I started my journey to recovery when I was 25 years old. Before that, substance abuse, mental health imbalances, and the SAD (Standard American Diet) was all I knew. The influences I had growing up rippled into my career and lifestyle. My college experience as a hospitality and tourism...
Psychedelic Integration Guide: The Elemental Growth Protocol
Hey you beautiful souls, I am Ashley the founder of Elemental Growth. I am here today to share our signature protocol so you can get the most of your psychedelic expierence. For decades the psychonaut mantra was “Set & Setting” and that was all the Harvard Psychedelic club was...
Psychonauts Guide to Nutrition
If you found me and you're reading this, I'm guessing we have a lot in common. Who knew 25 years ago that coaches, not doctors, would be the ones giving patients a prescription to sustain healthy habits, as well as the ones holding you accountable to healing your body...
Psychonauts Guide to Energy Work: 11 Ways You Can Tap into Your Natural Healing Abilities
I can’t believe that in 2-years writing at Sociedelic I haven’t wrote about Energy Work yet, but I guess I wasn’t ready… or maybe selfishly holding back out of fear because some of what you will find in today’s article may come across “hippie dippy”. The truth is while...
Psychonauts Guide to Foraging Mother Nature’s Psychedelics
There is an estimated total of 800,00 plants growing on this planet right now and of them 120 are classified as hallucinogenic. There are also at least 144 species of mushroom which contain the psychoactive ingredient psilocybin.
You can additionally find land creatures, sea life, scientists, and bodily secretions which...
10 Steps to Launch your Psychedelic Business
Psychedelics have been helping humans optimize and evolve since at least 5000 BCE yet people are just now coming out of the psychedelic closet to join the rLOVEution. The truth is your stance on psychedelics is an economical stance, political stance, for some even a religious stance. Hell, I...
I Over Dosed my Microdose and experienced a Kundalini Awakening
It was my step-dads 60th and the Full Moon was high in the sky before the sun even had time to set. I was making some homemade chocolate in my kitchen and infusing it with some Peruvian mushrooms (the magic kind).
As the cholates set, I hopped on Instagram to...
Trip Prepping 101: Tips to Get the Most of Your Psychedelic Experience
As a coach and “influencer” I am honored to speak with new people everyday who are ready to tap into the healing powers of psychedelics, ready to align more with mother nature and liberating themselves from the matrix. For the longest time many people I speak with have used...
Intentions: A Psychonauts Blueprint to Setting Intentions
This article is a follow up to a YouTube video I made this past spring. People around the globe have been asking me to get deeper into the topic of setting intentions before using psychedelics – even those level one psychedelic medicines like coffee, cocoa, tobacco…
So often people don’t...
30 Hippie Herbs That Enhance the Effects of Cannabis Naturally
Since Cannabis research made headlines in the field of medicine and wellness it has become more accepted around the world. The World Drug Report from 2019 stated that there are over 200 million cannabis smokers around the world. From vaping to concentrates people are finding out for themselves just...
Must read
CBD Oil vs Marijuana
When people talk about marijuana or cannabis, they often think of the recreational pleasure they get after consuming it. That’s the wrong image people has made about cannabidiol oil...
How cannabis affects headaches and migraines
While headaches are still manageable and very common, migraines can be a real hassle to go through. They’re much more severe, more painful, and they even more difficult to...
Studies Prove Psychedelics Expand Consciousness By Reducing Brain Activity
As a whole, humanity is rather familiar with the psychedelic experience due to our long history of religious, medicinal, and prophetic experimentation, but it wasn't until recently that we've...