Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
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Most recent articles by:
Brian Quass
Brian Quass is the founder of, where he denounces the drug war as a superstitious attempt to scapegoat mother nature for social ills. He contends that mother nature’s pharmacy is a birthright of all earthlings and that the government has no right to tell you that you can’t access the plants and fungi that grow at your very feet. He believes that both modern research and ancient tradition testify to the great potential of brain-enhancing plants and that the criminalization of such plants is nothing less than the government’s attempt to control how and how much one is allowed to think.
Drug War: Addicted to Ignorance
The drug warrior holds many logic-challenged assumptions, but one of the worst in terms of its human consequences is the notion that withdrawal from illegal substances must necessarily be hell.Really? How would we even know? No one with pharmacological savvy has ever been free to use psychoactive plants in...
Traitor President Calls for Executing Drug Dealers
Self-professed traitor Donald Trump has now called for the execution of drug dealers, which should come as no surprise from a president who has openly collaborated with authoritarian Russia to destroy basic democratic institutions in America. But if one’s fearing for the lives of cigarette and alcohol producers (whose products...
Rationality Uber Alles
For years, I've been obsessed with answering the following question: Why are Americans convinced that it's wrong to expand and improve one's conscious mind with the help of plant substances?
After all, we're more than eager to use plant substances for easing the pain of stomach or tooth ache. Why...
Decriminalizing Mother Nature: the end game
A serious reader of this website might be asking themselves, what is the author’s end game? What would his ideal world look like after the anti-patient drug war mentality has been renounced once and for all.
That’s easy. What we call psychiatry today – which is really just the institutionalization...
John Locke on Drugs
It’s funny. I’ve read and re-read Locke’s Treatises on Government, and I have yet to discover a principle whereby government can justifiably confiscate the naturally occurring substances to which we have legally claimed ownership. To the contrary, section 26 of his Second Treatise of Government (Book 2) tells us:
Tune In, Turn On, Opt Out
Any psychonaut who is aware of the anti-democratic practices of Big Data companies (and of what those practices portend for a free society) has to ask themselves the following question:
Isn't it time for Americans to "Tune in, turn on, and opt out" (opt out of participating in the digital...
Hypocritical America Embraces Drug War Fascism
This morning I searched the vast image catalog of Shutterstock for some photographs that illustrated the general concept of abolishing the drug war. I was sure I'd find something since the site has over a billion images submitted by well over half a million contributors.
To my dismay, there were...
What if Arthur Schopenhauer Had Used DMT?
In the "Wisdom of Life," Arthur Schopenhauer sums up an unspoken assumption of Western philosophy when he writes:
"Every man is pent up within the limits of his own consciousness and cannot get directly beyond those limits any more than he can get beyond his own skin."
Indeed, Schopenhauer's famous...
Fighting Drug War Tyranny
I have no doubt that the occasional use of criminalized plants, including psychedelics, would improve my life, make me a better person, help me enjoy nature and art, and encourage me to help others. It would also entirely obviate my need to become an eternal patient, to visit a...
Put the DEA on Trial
Liberal critics of the drug war keep saying that it’s failed. But this misses the point, because it implies that the drug war was not necessarily a bad idea, but merely one that turned out to be ineffective in combating illegal drug use.
To the contrary, the drug war never...
This is your brain on Drug War propaganda
If you want evidence that the American people have been bamboozled by the Drug War, just search the Web for “famous drug users.” Almost all of the “hits” will feature the judgmental term “addiction” (rather than “habituation” or “use”) and almost none of the “hits” will refer to addiction...
Must read
10 Reasons why Girls who Smoke Weed make perfect Girlfriends
Here are 10 reasons why girls who smoke weed make the best girlfriends and why you should definitely date a Stoner Chick. A stoner girl can smoke all day and roll blunts with...
Kratom Capsules – A Complete Guide
It has been a while since we have seen a plant take the US and global market by storm like kratom. More users are trying this tree for various...
Research Reveals Intelligent People Stay up Later, Do More Drugs and Have More Sex
What is the mark of an intelligent mind in our day and age? When we think of intelligent people, we may have been conditioned to envision them in a...