Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
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Jonathan Dickinson
Jonathan Dickinson is a therapist and consultant in private practice, working specifically with people going through iboga or ibogaine for detox of psychospiritual reasons. He has worked with both iboga and ibogaine in both clinical and ceremonial contexts since 2009, and previously served as the Director of the Global Ibogaine Therapy Alliance (GITA). You can learn more about Jonathan and his work at
Could Ibogaine Be A Promising New Treatment For Parkinson’s Disease?
A research team at Columbia University soon hopes to show whether or not ibogaine, an extract of iboga — a psychoactive West-African plant medicine — may have unique benefits in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
The majority of existing research on ibogaine has explored its increasing use over the past...
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The Future of Vaporizers: New Things We Can Expect From Vapes
The cannabis industry is ever-evolving. Because of constant advancements in technology, cannabis can now be enjoyed in various formats. From capsules and edibles to bongs and tinctures, it’s impossible for...
Esoterism and Trance – Esotrance
Esotrance is the column for esotericism. And to open the works start explaining the difference between exoterism, written with "X", and the writing with "S". Exoterism, written with "X"...
Street Art that changes how we see the World
Reclaiming public spaces with works that challenge the status quo
From cave drawings to urban graffiti and street art, images and words shape the way we perceive the world. It...