Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
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Created to stimulate psychedelic culture and ideology, the Brazilian portal aims to be the link between those who believe in trance as ideology and lifestyle. In this medium of communication Trance is taken seriously and thinking of it was created a collaborative environment produced to inform, connect and interact the members of the psychedelic scene.
The Magician and the Trance – Esotrance
The Fool and the Trance – Esotrance Column
Esoterism and Trance – Esotrance
Continuing our journey of the Fool (...)
After going out the door and finding himself completely aimless in the midst of life. Our Crazy Walker sees that he is not all alone. There are others crazies, so loose, free...
The Fool and the Trance – Esotrance Column
Read the previous article about Esoterism and Trance – Esotrance.
All right, people! Look at the picture in the letter. This cute guy there will be our main character:
The Fool
The Fool is the cool. It is like a child at the moment of birth ... He knows nothing, he fears...
Esoterism and Trance – Esotrance
Esotrance is the column for esotericism. And to open the works start explaining the difference between exoterism, written with "X", and the writing with "S". Exoterism, written with "X" tells us what is transient, changeable. Esotericism is about what is permanent, what is unchangeable.
As we know, the human being...
Must read
White Berry: Why New and Seasoned Users Love This Strain?
White Berry has a
tasty flavor and a buzz, sure you will keep looking for more. It is a very
popular crossbred strain that originated from the
Netherlands. It is an Indica-rich...
Can CBD Get You High? Learn of CBD Benefits
In the last few
years, CBD has grown in popularity across the globe because a lot of people
have realized the benefits it has to offer to the human body. Also...
Awakening, Enlightenment & Non-Attachment
There is a lot already said about Awakening, Enlightenment and Non-attachment by many ancient masters and teachers. This blog/website began about 8 years ago following a sort of sudden...