Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
© 2025 Sociedelic
Did Renaissance Art Draw Inspiration from Mind-Altering Substances?
When we hear the term Renaissance Art, what normally comes to mind are iconic works like Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", Michelangelo's "David", and Raphael's "School of Athens". But you would be forgiven for forgetting that pieces like the following are also associated with...
Vancouver’s Latest Police Raids on Psychedelic Shops
Last week, Vancouver's police hit three stores that were openly selling magic mushrooms and other psychedelics. This isn't new – they've been doing this for years.
A Pattern of Raids Across Canada
Lately, we’ve seen similar police actions across Canada, targeting mushroom shops with quirky names...
Why the Far Right is Fueling America’s Psychedelic Revolution?
The American right has suddenly developed an interest in psychedelic drugs, and there are a few possible explanations for this. Perhaps they believe that these substances can help them gain a deeper understanding of the world and their place in it. Or maybe they...
Drug War: Addicted to Ignorance
The drug warrior holds many logic-challenged assumptions, but one of the worst in terms of its human consequences is the notion that withdrawal from illegal substances must necessarily be hell.Really? How would we even know? No one with pharmacological savvy has ever been free...
Traitor President Calls for Executing Drug Dealers
Self-professed traitor Donald Trump has now called for the execution of drug dealers, which should come as no surprise from a president who has openly collaborated with authoritarian Russia to destroy basic democratic institutions in America. But if one’s fearing for the lives of cigarette...
Rationality Uber Alles
For years, I've been obsessed with answering the following question: Why are Americans convinced that it's wrong to expand and improve one's conscious mind with the help of plant substances?
After all, we're more than eager to use plant substances for easing the pain of...
Decriminalizing Mother Nature: the end game
A serious reader of this website might be asking themselves, what is the author’s end game? What would his ideal world look like after the anti-patient drug war mentality has been renounced once and for all.
That’s easy. What we call psychiatry today – which...
John Locke on Drugs
It’s funny. I’ve read and re-read Locke’s Treatises on Government, and I have yet to discover a principle whereby government can justifiably confiscate the naturally occurring substances to which we have legally claimed ownership. To the contrary, section 26 of his Second Treatise of...