Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
© 2025 Sociedelic
Explore the intimate connection between body, mind and spirit through yoga, meditation, spiritual, wellness, and personal growth retreats and workshops. We want to help you to discover the essence of what it takes to lead a healthy, joyful lifestyle, and to help you embrace physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.
Taking The Psychedelic Leap
Are you curious about psychedelics? Discover how to potentiate tremendous spiritual transformation, transcend your inner-demons, and deal with "bad trips".Richard L. Haight, bestselling author of The Unbound Soul provides a powerful, intimate, unbiased account of hallucinogens as they relate to the spiritual path."This book...
184 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness
I watch a lot of mind expanding documentaries. I think they are incredible tools for learning and increasing our awareness of important issues. Listed below is a complete list of 184 different films, videos, and documentaries you can watch for free online that are...
Best Psychedelic Books
These psychedelic books offer spiritual guidance to those seeking to explore the depths of their own psyche. By engaging with them, readers can develop a deeper understanding of how psychedelics interact with the mind and how to use such substances safely. The books also...
Esoterism and Trance – Esotrance
Esotrance is the column for esotericism. And to open the works start explaining the difference between exoterism, written with "X", and the writing with "S". Exoterism, written with "X" tells us what is transient, changeable. Esotericism is about what is permanent, what is unchangeable.
Decolonize Consciousness: From Music Festivals to Standing Rock
Welcome to the show, Sobey Wing. I left it to Sobey, by his request, to introduce himself during this show and so I will leave the same here in regards to the content of the show:
“We will examine moving from complicit behaviours in systemic racism,...
The Most Spiritual Place On Earth with The Strongest Energy Field
Such type of places could give you answers to long asked questions and make you feel the truth of reality on a more spiritual level. There are dozens of spiritual places like this all around the world. However, we want to know what’s the...
My First Psychedelic Experience at Johns Hopkins Changed My Life
By Mark Huslage
It's been more than six years since I participated in the Johns Hopkins Spirituality study, but it continues as the most life-changing event of my life. For those not familiar, Hopkins has been researching the effects and benefits of psilocybin for more...
The Matrix – Exploring the Deep Web Hidden Wiki
If you have ever been on the Deep Web, you already know it's a crazy place. It's notorious for it's illegal activity, Black Hat Hacking Forums, Scams, Whistle blower blogs, and pretty much anything else you could imagine.
The first link on "The Hidden Wiki"...