Redefining Euphoria: The Rise of 5-MAPB as a Trending MDMA Alternative

Get your hands on the ultimate guide to buying 5-MAPB. Know where to find it, what to look for, and how to make a safe purchase.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of 5-MAPB, delving into its chemical structure, legal landscape, effects, and comparative analysis with other substances. Additionally, we will touch upon the community and culture surrounding 5-MAPB, along with guidelines on sourcing and ensuring the purity of the substance.

Introduction to 5-MAPB

5-MAPB is a synthetic designer drug that emerged in the recreational drug market as an alternative to MDMA (Ecstasy). The allure of 5-MAPB lies in its euphoric and empathogenic effects, which have made it a topic of discussion among researchers and recreational users alike.

Chemical Structure and Properties of 5-MAPB

5-MAPB, whose full name is 5-(2-Methylaminopropyl)benzofuran, is a synthetic compound known for its psychoactive effects. It belongs to the benzofuran class and is often recognized for its similarities with MDMA (Methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine).

5-MAPB chemical structure
5-MAPB chemical structure

Here’s a closer look at its chemical structure and properties:

Chemical Structure:

  • Molecular Formula: C12H15NO
  • IUPAC Name: 1-(1-benzofuran-5-yl)-N-methylpropan-2-amine
  • Chemical Structure: The core structure of 5-MAPB consists of a benzofuran ring with a methylaminopropyl group attached to the 5th position of the benzofuran ring.

Chemical Properties:

  • Molar Mass: 189.25 g/mol
  • Appearance: It usually appears as a white or off-white powder.
  • Solubility: Solubility information may vary, and it’s advisable to refer to specific product sheets or lab analysis for accurate details.
  • Boiling Point and Melting Point: The exact boiling and melting points may vary, and it’s advisable to refer to specific product sheets or lab analysis for accurate details.
  • Stability: Like many synthetic compounds, 5-MAPB’s stability can be influenced by factors like temperature, light, and the presence of impurities.

Psychoactive Properties:

  • Classification: 5-MAPB is classified as an entactogen, which is a class of psychoactive substances that produce feelings of empathy, love, and emotional openness.
  • Effects: The effects of 5-MAPB are often compared to those of MDMA, inducing feelings of euphoria, increased sociability, and an enhanced appreciation for music and colors. However, the exact effects can vary from person to person, and the dosage, purity, and individual body chemistry play significant roles in determining the experience.

What is 5-MAPB?

5-MAPB is part of the benzofuran class of compounds, known for their psychoactive properties. The compound acts as a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine releasing agent (SNDRA), which is pivotal in understanding its effects on the human mind and body.

Origin and History

The lineage of 5-MAPB traces back to the class of substances known as benzofurans, which have been in the spotlight due to their psychoactive properties. Though 5-MAPB emerged in the recreational drug market in the early 2010s, its chemical cousins have been around for much longer.

The detailed history of 5-MAPB and its relatives help in understanding the evolution and the current standing of this substance within the community.

Legality and Regulation of 5-MAPB

Navigating the legal landscape surrounding 5-MAPB is crucial for individuals interested in the substance, either for research or recreational purposes. The legality varies significantly across different regions, reflecting the ongoing debate regarding the regulation of synthetic psychoactive substances.

The legal status of 5-MAPB varies from one region to another. In some areas, it falls under controlled substance legislation, while in others, it may occupy a legal gray area. A thorough examination of international law and country-specific legislation reveals the complex legal maze surrounding 5-MAPB.

Regulatory Framework

The regulatory framework encompassing 5-MAPB is a reflection of the broader discourse on synthetic psychoactive substances. Understanding the regulatory nuances can equip individuals with the knowledge to navigate legal landscapes, ensuring compliance while advocating for informed policy frameworks.

Effects of 5-MAPB

The effects of 5-MAPB are the core of its attraction and controversy. Its psychoactive properties have made it a subject of both recreational use and scientific inquiry. Delving into the psychological and physiological impacts of 5-MAPB provides a glimpse into the experiences of users and the potential implications on health.

Psychological Effects

5-MAPB is known for its euphoric and empathogenic effects, often compared to the effects of MDMA. It can alter mood, perception, and cognitive functioning, which is both a lure and a concern for users and healthcare professionals alike.

Physiological Effects

The physiological effects of 5-MAPB extend from its psychoactive properties, impacting various systems within the body. Understanding these effects is crucial for harm reduction and informed usage.

Comparative Analysis of 5-MAPB and Similar Substances

A comparative analysis with other psychoactive substances like MDMA and 6-APB sheds light on the unique position 5-MAPB occupies in the realm of synthetic drugs. These comparisons also help in understanding the relative risks and benefits associated with 5-MAPB.


Though 5-MAPB and MDMA share similarities in chemical structure and effects, key differences also exist. Analyzing these differences helps in understanding the unique characteristics of 5-MAPB, providing a nuanced view of its potential and risks.


5-MAPB vs 6-APB

The comparison between 5-MAPB and 6-APB further elucidates the subtle yet significant variations among benzofurans. This comparative analysis assists in understanding the broader spectrum of synthetic psychoactive substances.

6-APB vs 5-MAPB
6-APB vs 5-MAPB

Sourcing 5-MAPB

In a realm where the purity and legality of substances are often in question, having reliable sources for procurement is crucial. This section delves into how one can source 5-MAPB responsibly.

Trusted Vendors and Online Marketplaces

Finding trusted vendors is the first step towards ensuring the purity and legality of the 5-MAPB being procured. Online marketplaces with robust verification processes and clear quality standards are preferred channels.

When it comes to modern psychoactive substances, the quest to find the perfect balance between safety, efficacy, and experience has never been more evident. Two products from Shayana, ‘Bliss‘ and ‘Molly‘, have come to the forefront of the market, with both offering unique and transformational experiences to users. Central to both these products is the ingredient 5-MAPB, an empathogenic compound with psychoactive properties.

Let’s delve into a comparative analysis of these two offerings from Shayana.

The Dosage Notes:

Dosages seem to play a crucial melody in the 5-MAPB experience. A light dose (50-60mg) is suggested for therapeutic settings, especially for treating PTSD, as it allows individuals to relax and face their traumas.

Regular doses (80-100mg) are advised against exceeding as the experience might become overwhelmingly traumatic, while strong doses (150-200mg) are for those seeking pure enjoyment.

For both products, onset is typically between 20 to 60 minutes, followed by a “come up” phase lasting 45 to 90 minutes. The peak experience ranges from 2 to 4 hours, and the entire experience can last anywhere from 5 to 8 hours.

  • Bliss: A common dose is 2 pellets, with each pellet containing 50mg of 5-MAPB.
  • Molly: A common dose is 1 pellet, consisting of a mix of 5-MAPB (70mg), 2-FMA (20mg), and 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg). This synergy might offer a unique blend of effects, slightly different from Bliss.

Dosage Guideline for Bliss

Dosage LevelNumber of PelletsIngredient ConcentrationTotal mg (5-MAPB)
Light1 – 25-MAPB (50mg per pellet)50 – 100mg
Common2 – 35-MAPB (50mg per pellet)100 – 150mg
Strong3 – 45-MAPB (50mg per pellet)150 – 200mg

Duration for Bliss

Onset20 – 60 minutes
Come up45 – 90 minutes
Peak2 – 4 hours
Come down2 – 5 hours
Total5 – 8 hours

Dosage Guideline for Molly

Dosage LevelNumber of PelletsIngredient ConcentrationTotal mg (Combined Ingredients)
Light½5-MAPB (70mg) + 2-FMA (20mg) + 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg)46mg + 10mg + 1mg = 57mg
Common15-MAPB (70mg) + 2-FMA (20mg) + 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg)70mg + 20mg + 2mg = 92mg
Strong1½ – 25-MAPB (70mg) + 2-FMA (20mg) + 5-MeO-MiPT (2mg)105-140mg + 30-40mg + 3-4mg = 138-184mg

Duration for Molly

Onset20 – 60 minutes
Come up45 – 90 minutes
Peak2 – 4 hours
Come down2 – 5 hours
Total5 – 8 hours

Please note that these dosages are speculative and derived from user experiences shared online. It’s crucial to approach with extreme caution, start with the lowest possible dose to gauge personal reaction, and adhere to legal guidelines and harm reduction practices. It’s always advisable to consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of substances like 5-MAPB.

The Borax Combo: An Enhanced Experience

The Borax Combo stands as a testament to the innovative spirit within the psychedelic community. It’s a concoction born out of a desire to replicate the effects of MDMA, while potentially mitigating some of its adverse effects.

What is the Borax Combo?

The Borax Combo is a blend of substances that aim to replicate the MDMA experience without the associated legal and health risks. It’s a concoction that includes a bit of psychedelic to get even closer to the MDMA effect.

While 5-MAPB is a singular compound, Molly is a blend of 5-MAPB, 2-FMA, and 5-MeO-MiPT, each contributing to a unique aspect of the experience.

Safety Precautions and Risk Management

The allure of 5-MAPB comes with a set of risks that necessitates a comprehensive understanding of safety measures and harm reduction strategies.

5-MAPB, like other substances, requires a tune of caution. Testing the substance for purity, especially when in pill form, is strongly advised due to the commonality of adulteration with other substances. The preferred method of administration is oral ingestion, as snorting could lead to faster onset but with associated risks 1.

For both ‘Bliss’ and ‘Molly’, an additional product named GRIND GUARD (Anti Bruxism) is recommended to prevent bruxism or teeth grinding, which is a common side effect associated with stimulants and empathogens. It should be taken 30-60 minutes before consuming either Bliss or Molly.

Real Tales of 5-MAPB: What Users Are Saying

5-MAPB is not just a compound; it’s an experience, a journey that some curious minds have ventured on. Here are some real stories from individuals who decided to dive into the realms of 5-MAPB, and share their adventures with the world.

Mixing It Up: 5-MAPB and MDMA

A person shared on about their night mixing 5-MAPB and MDMA. They’d had their fair share of experiences with both substances individually over the years but decided to try them together. They started with 40mg of 5-MAPB, and within 15 minutes, they were feeling the effects stronger than before. Adding 110mg of MDMA to the mix brought them to a peak much faster than anticipated, which they found a bit too stimulating at times. They noticed a back-and-forth effect; at times wanting to relax but feeling restless if they weren’t moving. The combo also seemed to affect their heart rate and brought some paranoia along. They shared that the experience was less predictable compared to their past solo adventures with either substance. They were considering tweaking the doses or timing for a better ride next time around 1.

A Spectrum of Stories on Erowid

Erowid, a well-known online platform, houses a variety of 5-MAPB experiences. One user shared a straightforward overview of their experience with 5-MAPB, mentioning it was taken orally in powder form. Though the details were sparse, it’s a glimpse into the diverse ways people interact with 5-MAPB 2. Erowid’s collection also includes tales of mixing 5-MAPB with other substances, shedding light on the compound’s versatile nature 3.

YouTube Journey: “A New Love”

Over on YouTube, there’s a video titled “A New Love” discussing a combined experience of 5-MAPB and Etizolam. The video, rooted in Erowid’s archives, describes 5-MAPB as a synthetic euphoric stimulant, similar to MDMA and 5-APB, highlighting the substance’s potential for creating a euphoric state 4.

These stories provide a glimpse into the real-world interactions with 5-MAPB, from solo experiences to mixing it with other substances. Each narrative adds a shade to the understanding of what 5-MAPB holds for those willing to explore.

Here are some online communities where individuals discuss or share information about 5-MAPB:

  2. Shroomery Message Board:
    • A thread titled 5-mapb – The Pub where users discuss their experiences and thoughts on 5-MAPB 2.
  3. Drugs-Forum:
    • There are threads discussing 5-MAPB, comparing its effects to other substances, and sharing users’ experiences. Some threads include:

These forums host a myriad of discussions surrounding 5-MAPB, its effects, comparisons with other substances, and personal experiences shared by users. By joining these communities, individuals can engage in conversations, ask questions, and learn more from others who have consume 5-MAPB.

Conclusion: The Multifaceted Nature of 5-MAPB

5-MAPB is a complex entity residing at the crossroads of recreation, medicine, and law. Its multifaceted nature invites intrigue, caution, and a keen sense of responsibility from those who choose to explore its realm. As we navigate through the intricacies of 5-MAPB, it’s imperative to stay informed, adhere to harm reduction practices, and advocate for a balanced discourse that fosters safety, understanding, and potentially, healing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the primary difference between 5-MAPB and MDMA?

The primary difference lies in their molecular structure, which in turn influences their effects, safety profiles, and legal status. While both substances share empathogenic and euphoric effects, nuances in their interaction with neurotransmitter systems result in distinct experiential profiles.

What is the primary ingredient in both Bliss and MOLLY?

The primary ingredient in both products is 5-MAPB.

How does the Borax Combo enhance the experience of 5-MAPB?

The Borax Combo, by incorporating substances that complement the effects of 5-MAPB, aims to replicate the MDMA experience. The blend potentially mitigates some adverse effects associated with MDMA, while preserving the sought-after euphoria and empathogenic effects.

What are the legal considerations surrounding 5-MAPB?

The legal status of 5-MAPB varies across regions. It’s crucial for individuals to be well-versed with the legal landscape surrounding 5-MAPB in their respective jurisdictions before considering its use.

Where can one acquire 5-MAPB from Shayana?

5-MAPB can be acquired from Shayana’s online shop. However, the legality and availability might vary depending on the region, so it’s advisable to check local regulations before making a purchase.

Can I mix Bliss and MOLLY?

It’s essential to understand the effects of each product before considering any mix. Always prioritize safety.

Are the dosages for Bliss and MOLLY similar?

No, the dosages differ. It’s crucial to follow the guidelines provided for each product.

What is Grind Guard used for?

Grind Guard helps avoid bruxism or teeth grinding—a common side effect.

How long do the effects of Bliss and MOLLY last?

Both products generally last for 5-8 hours with varying phases.