Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
© 2025 Sociedelic
DMT and Extraterrestrial Communication – Psychedelic Experience
Terrence McKenna, obviously enough, is a patron saint here at the BIPT. He was exponentially crazier than any mere hippies, as well as more educated and intelligent than his skeptics. There’s no other place to begin an article on...
Apparent Communication with Discarnate Entities Induced by DMT
DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is the most powerful and fast-acting of the tryptamine class of hallucinogens. After smoking DMT users regularly report fantastic trips to other dimensions and conversations with intelligent alien life forms. Meyer outlines DMT usage, pharmacology, mythology and...
Wasteland Haze Ignites Dystopian Doom on “Welcome to Wasteland Haze”
Instrumental stoner and doom music often has a cinematic...
Lehmasche” by HAUCH: Red-Black Marbled Vinyl for Stoner Rock Collectors
Germany has long cultivated a robust underground scene for...