Can we treat mental illness with hallucinogens?

If you were to happen upon the epicenter of drug-addled counterculture in 1969 -- the intersection of Haight and Ashbury Streets in San Francisco -- you would be more likely to believe you had found the source of mental...

How LSD Works

The psychedelic drug LSD has been called acid, blotter, California sunshine, dots, Electric Kool-Aid and countless other colorful nicknames since it was first sold on the street in the early 1960s. It makes sense that LSD would be popular....

LSD Visual Simulations Made Possible With These New Sunglasses

These intriguing spectacles may look a little strange, but they are far more than a funny looking pair of glasses. Designed by Hungarian artist Bence Agoston, the 'Mood Sunglasses' have been created with the purpose simulating hallucinatory, visual experiences...

Here is a list of Websites I like to visit on LSD

Keep in mind this list is meant for those of you who may find yourself around a computer with nothing else to do and nowhere to go during your trip. My best advice to all of you is to...

Six Amazing Discoveries About Psychedelics

Despite the fact that the U.S. government deems many hallucinogenic or psychedelics substances to be dangerous, classifying them as Schedule I drugs with “no currently accepted medical use,” various scientists have dared to study their effects. What they’ve found...


Wasteland Haze Ignites Dystopian Doom on “Welcome to Wasteland Haze”

Instrumental stoner and doom music often has a cinematic...

Rider Negro – The Echo of the Desert

Mexico’s Rider Negro has stirred up praise among fans...

Jewelled Moon – Electric Waters

When a band seamlessly merges the vibe of ’70s...

Cosmic Fall – Back Where the Fire Flows

Berlin’s Cosmic Fall has been a standout name in...

Lehmasche” by HAUCH: Red-Black Marbled Vinyl for Stoner Rock Collectors

Germany has long cultivated a robust underground scene for...