The Future of Vaporizers: New Things We Can Expect From Vapes

The cannabis industry is ever-evolving. Because of constant advancements in technology, cannabis can now be enjoyed in various formats. From capsules and edibles to bongs and tinctures, it’s impossible for the modern connoisseur to run out of options these days. But...

Cannabis Edibles: The Most Popular Dessert Among Cannabis Admirers

The growing interest in the recreational and functional properties of Cannabis, combined with its ongoing legalization, has made this miraculous plant the most popular choice for casual consumers and connoisseurs alike. The explosion in its popularity has also meant...

Everything You Need to Know About Hemp Seeds

Hemp, otherwise known as industrial hemp is a plant part of the Cannabis family which is separated into female and male plants. It is said that the origin of this famous plant is in the Himalayan region of Asia. People have used hemp for...

How cannabis affects headaches and migraines

While headaches are still manageable and very common, migraines can be a real hassle to go through. They’re much more severe, more painful, and they even more difficult to keep under control. While there are treatments for migraines, most...

The Top CBD Flowers Cannabis Connoisseurs Are Buying

CBD has been around for a few years now, but many cannabis lovers still treat hemp products with disdain. Frequently overpriced and underperforming, CBD products have historically been used to make as much money as possible at the expense...


Wasteland Haze Ignites Dystopian Doom on “Welcome to Wasteland Haze”

Instrumental stoner and doom music often has a cinematic...

Rider Negro – The Echo of the Desert

Mexico’s Rider Negro has stirred up praise among fans...

Jewelled Moon – Electric Waters

When a band seamlessly merges the vibe of ’70s...

Cosmic Fall – Back Where the Fire Flows

Berlin’s Cosmic Fall has been a standout name in...

Lehmasche” by HAUCH: Red-Black Marbled Vinyl for Stoner Rock Collectors

Germany has long cultivated a robust underground scene for...