Psychedelics allow you to see the world through a point of view not closed by the ideas you have conditioned yourself to believe.
© 2025 Sociedelic
The Magician and the Trance – Esotrance
The Fool and the Trance – Esotrance Column
Esoterism and Trance – Esotrance
Continuing our journey of the Fool (...)
After going out the door and finding himself completely aimless in the midst of life. Our Crazy Walker sees that he is...
How LSD Can Change Our Understanding of Consciousness
In 1967, psychologist and psychedelics proponent Timothy Leary told a crowd in Golden Gate Park to “turn on, tune in, drop out.” It was a turning point in how the public viewed psychedelics and, in particular, how lysergic acid...
Ayahuasca: The primary reason why they are always the best – Exploring the Deep Web
Ayahuasca and its various uses is knowledge that can extraordinary physical healing and a deep emotional change. Ayahuasca just isn't for every individual. Yet there are a few who think it is by far the most tangible spiritual doorway...
Top Ayahuasca Animations on The Internet
Written By Alex Gearin (PhD, Anthropology).
When a Cambridge University researcher took a famous ayahuasca shaman to his first cinema experience, the Yaminahua shaman José Choro concluded that the cinema “was not as good as strong shori (ayahuasca)”. For the shaman the psychedelic brew ayahuasca was somewhat...
6 facts about psychedelic drugs that will totally blow your mind
Despite the fact that the U.S. government deems many hallucinogenic or psychedelic substances to be dangerous, classifying them as Schedule I drugs with “no currently accepted medical use,” various scientists have dared to study their effects. What they’ve found...
Wasteland Haze Ignites Dystopian Doom on “Welcome to Wasteland Haze”
Instrumental stoner and doom music often has a cinematic...
Lehmasche” by HAUCH: Red-Black Marbled Vinyl for Stoner Rock Collectors
Germany has long cultivated a robust underground scene for...