Do you ever wonder how some people just seem to ‘get it?’ Perhaps they seem to ‘know’ things that would be impossible to know or even predict the future. Chances are, they’ve harnessed their inner extra-sensory talents.
If you find yourself wanting to develop your own goddess-given intuitions, a good starting point is first knowing the types of main psychic capabilities. Perhaps you will discover that you are already receiving these gifts!
The six main types of intuitive skills we will explore here, called the clairs (French = ‘clear’), are all about sensing and receiving spiritual information. They are related to the five physical senses, and you may find that you are most in tune with the psychic abilities that are associated with your most vivid physical senses. For example, if your eyesight is particularly keen, you may find that you are naturally clairvoyant.
With some practice, anyone can tune into their natural psychic abilities! Here are the six major types:
Clairvoyance – Seeing

Perhaps the most well known, and least understood, psychic talent is clear-seeing.
More often than not, the sense of clairvoyance isn’t so dramatic as it is portrayed in film or other media.
Someone who is clairvoyant does not necessarily have clear visions or ‘see’ the future. The power is more subtle than that.
You may just get an idea of a particular symbol, number or color in your head. You’re ‘seeing’ it, but you may not understand what the vision is trying to tell you.
Not all things you see physically are meant to be taken literally. However, if the ability is strong within you, you may get to the point where you literally “see it coming.”
Clairaudience – Hearing

It may ‘sound’ strange, but those who are clairaudient can ‘hear’ messages that are beyond the realm of the physical ears.
We’re talking about phenomena that most people are unable to hear, such as psychic sounds, voices, music, etc.
Sometimes, it’s even as dramatic as an ‘inner voice’ that gives you a specific command, like to go somewhere, move in a specific direction, or even stop what you’re doing completely.
Clairaudient mediums are those who can receive messages from entities who have passed on to a different plane, such as ancestors or deceased loved ones.
Clairsentience – Feeling

We will sometimes call someone who is very sensitive to the feelings of others an ‘empath.’ Simply put, these people have a very honed clairsentience. This is the ability to intuit physical sensations, feelings, or emotions. Empathy is just one form of it.
Some who are clairsentient may even be withdrawn or outcasts from society and not even know why.
They may struggle to be around people because they feel everything so much, leaving them overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted. Once in awhile, we all feel drained from being around people who are ‘down,’ or feel the energy of someone who is excited. This is our inner clairsentience.
When your clairsentience is strong, you may even get feelings about others, such as when someone is lying or even physically ill. You may simply ‘feel’ it.
Claircognizance – Knowing

You may not have learned the facts or logic behind a concept, but you may just naturally know it anyway.
This inner knowing is called claircognizance.
Sometimes it’s as simple as mistrusting someone. Once in awhile it’s as dramatic as knowing not to get in a person’s car they end up crashing.
Obviously, homing your inner knowledge can carry some powerful import. When you’ve done this, random intuitive thoughts will sometimes just come into your head.
Clairgustance – Tasting

Sometimes we have that funny taste in our mouths. This is often clairgustance, inner tasting.
One simple example is that you may ‘taste’ cake while getting ready for work, then go to work and find out that someone had a birthday to celebrate and a cake was brought to celebrate.
Mediums who have an amplified clairgustance can often taste the types of food that were formerly favored by the spirit with whom they are communicating.
Clairgustance also puts a different spin on dieting! Think if you could just taste all the naughty foods you love without actually ingesting them.
Clairalience – Smelling

The last psychic capability we will explore today is intuitive smelling.
Sometimes we just get a strong sense in our psychic noses, such as a whiff of a meadow full of flowers, which we actually pass by physically at some point in our day.
Mediums with a strong sense of clairalience will sometimes get a strong sense of the passed one’s favorite perfume, which family members oftentimes find very comforting.
The sense of smell is powerfully associated with memory, and if we strengthen this skill of psychic smelling we can become very powerful beings in ways we don’t normally think about when we’re talking about these abilities.
Are there any senses on this list that you relate to? Share what they are and how you made them stronger within yourself!