The Utillian 420 is the basic dry herb model from the Utillian brand and is one of the best affordable portable vaporizers on the market, and for good reason. It’s a modest-looking device, it heats up in 20 seconds for on demand vaping, its surprisingly smooth, compact and easy to clean.
Despite its low price , this vape has a quick conduction oven right underneath the glass mouthpiece, so you get straight hits, without so much burn from the oven and its safety is guaranteed by the air-path which uses only food-grade materials.
Utillian 420 comes with a glass mouthpiece to keep you from burning yourself. The 420 ‘s top lid features an OLED display that reads out the four temperature settings that are sufficient to provide a custom vaping experience. The LED display is pretty small but still gives you all the information you need to optimize your vaping experience.
You are able to achieve a nice dense vapor at higher temperatures without too much irritation because the glass mouthpiece cools the vapor decently before it reaches your lips. The length of the vapor path and glass mouthpiece helps a lot to reduce the vapor’s toughness and preserving flavor.
The 420 can be operated with simply one button and might be one of the easiest and most straightforward vaporizers for beginners to use; simply unplug the glass mouthpiece and load your weed into the heating chamber packing it down slightly with your finger.
To turn the unit on, press the power button on the side of the vape five times quickly, then your last pre-set temperature will show up and it heats up automatically. To change the temperature on the Utillian 420, simply press the power button and hold it for around 3 seconds.
Although the unit doesn’t have a precise temperature control like the Utillian 620 vaporizer, but the 4 temperatures were more than enough to satisfy any vape enthusiasts. In fact, this device worked really well when you start from the lowest temperature to the highest temperature slightly. You can extract your cannabinoids and terpenes from your weed slowly and effectively.
- Digital Display – The only budget vaporizer that allows you to monitor your battery level and temperature setting.
- Ceramic heating chamber
- 60 mins battery life
- 20 second heat time
- Glass mouthpiece
- Charges via micro USB port
- 4 pre-set temperature settings (190C, 200C, 210C, 220C)
- Anodized aluminuim shell
- Glass mouthpiece: The glass mouthpiece provides smooth and delicious drawings at an affordable price, giving you very good vapor quality.
Inside the box:
- Utillian 420 vaporizer
- Mouthpiece heat shield
- Packing tool
- 5x screens
- Micro USB cable
- User guide
Overall, the 420 is very well-crafted especially for the price point, extremely straightforward and easy to use dry herb vape. It has a beautiful, robust anodized aluminum shell that feels high end and sits in your hand ergonomically and it also comes with a 1-year warranty which is honored through TVape.
Where to Buy the Utillian 420 Vaporizer
The best place to buy the Utillian 420 dry herb vaporizer is from TVape: US, Europe.
Let everyone know what you think about this vape in the comments section below!