Living in Texas is an experience and a definite point of pride for many of its almost 30 million residents. It has everything from national monuments to a confident attitude that gives it an instantly recognizable personality. Despite its size, Texas has quite a bit of appeal, with people flocking there daily. Whether you currently reside in Texas or plan to move there soon, it’s essential to know the marijuana laws. Texas is one of many states that have strict and complicated regulations for getting cannabis from its dispensaries.
This article will discuss what you need to know about Texas’s medical marijuana laws, what it takes to obtain medicinal cannabis, and Texas’s marijuana dispensaries.
They’re Medical Only
First and foremost, an essential thing about Texas’s marijuana laws is that they are medical only. Recreational marijuana is not permitted within the state. Even at that, medical marijuana is limited to specific conditions through the Texas Compassionate Use Program.
Texas law also only allows prescriptions of cannabis with a low THC content. These come from Cannabis Sativa L, and products can only contain 0.5% of THC by weight, and the only permitted way to take them in the state is through swallowing/eating.
You Need A Certified Prescription
Unlike some other states, Texas doesn’t offer medical marijuana cards. Instead, the state requires patients to obtain a prescription from a certified doctor. The conditions that merit such a prescription are pretty limited.
The approved conditions are chronic pain, cancer, epilepsy, incurable neurodegenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis, and PTSD. For a list of other approved conditions and other information about the Texas Compassionate Use Program, check out their online guide to the law.

Physicians Have High Qualifications
In Texas, not every doctor is allowed to recommend marijuana for medicinal use. The physician must undergo certifications and training as outlined in Texas law. According to the Texas Medical Association, medical marijuana usage has increased dramatically throughout 2021. The number of physicians licensed to prescribe medical marijuana also increased.
Research into the medicinal effects of marijuana continues in Texas, and the number of doctors allowed to prescribe it to patients is on track to grow in the coming years. Everything from the ability to obtain medical marijuana to the amount you’ll receive in your prescription is entirely up to your doctor.
Providers can’t help you if they aren’t able to assess your condition and determine the course of action. That’s why thoroughly talking to them is so important. They’ll ask you plenty of questions, which you must answer honestly and be as transparent as possible.
On top of that, you’ll need to have your ID and social security number ready, so they can verify you are a Texas resident.
There Are Plenty of Approved Dispensaries
There are a handful of exceptional Texas dispensaries available to address the needs of patients. Dispensaries can verify your eligibility to purchase medical marijuana by looking at the state’s database. All you need to supply is your proof of identification. You can buy any of the state’s marijuana products if approved. These might include tinctures, edibles, and oils.
Big cities like Arlington, Austin, El Paso, Dallas, and Corpus Christi have medical marijuana facilities. Smaller cities like Amarillo and Brownsville also offer this amenity. The bottom line is you can easily find an authorized Texas dispensary to help you out. Some dispensaries deliver through statewide programs in a unique display of patient assistance.
Hemp-based CBD is Legal
CBD products (that don’t contain THC) are legal in Texas, and you can find plenty of CBD stores throughout the state. CBD is excellent for treating inflammation, anxiety, and depression. It’s derived from hemp and has a wide range of uses, making it a good option whether or not you can get a prescription for medical marijuana.
Thanks to the Texas hemp Bill passing, CBD is available for anyone, with a good variety of products to suit anyone’s CBD needs. The future of marijuana in the state might change at some point. However, Texas is still taking a hard stance on recreational marijuana and will only offer medicinal cannabis for now.